Featuring Calmer Soft Purple

How others use Calmer® Soft

Customer Reviews

Based on 753 reviews

I used to get headaches after being in noisy environments, since wearing calmer I haven't had one. As a special needs teacher, I can still hear everything, but I'm not as overwhelmed by the noise of the classroom.
I totally recommend these.

Hoda Siahtiri

I did not feel a big change. The annoying noises
are still annoying!

What a diffrence

I got the Combo pack because I really wasn't sure what size is for me. Was a great choice because it turns out my ears are very small and I need the minis. In my right ear they fit absolutly perfect, in my left ear the still feel a bit large but I have lot's of problems with in ear stuff because my ears are weird size.
I orderd the calmer because I wanted to give it a try but didn't think there would be much diffrence. I'm so happy now to be proofen wrong. I used the clamers now on many occasions I would have been very stressed in the past because of the noise but stayed very relaxed with them. I was in a loud restaurant where a live band made a soundcheck (micro shrieks inlcusive), in a very loud karaoke bar, in a gondola with screaming children, in a zoo with even mor screaming children and in an absolute horror szenario: narrow streets with hundreds of buzzing loud noises from chatting tourists and shouting sellers because we needed to go through a wine festival. I wouldn't have guessed how the calmers make my life better but they really do and I'm very glad I found them.
The gave the normal pair which is to big for me to my boyfriend after I told him, how much better this experiences went with the calmers and he is going to test it for himself.


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