I’ve struggled with hearing conversations for years in busy places like bars, restaurants and clubs, and kept seeing these popup on ads, so thought I’d give them a try.
I’ll be honest, I wasn’t really expecting them to do much, but they were in the sale so thought I’d take a gamble - and it 100% paid off.
These are like an EQ for your ears! They massively boost the treble, I first tested them listening to music and tv, and was blown away by the difference. Tested them in a bar for the first time today and I could actually hear conversations without my wars tuning into the background noise instead.
Absolute game changer! I love the fact you can use tips from IEMs as as well, as I have tons of different sets (small soft silicons worked best for me).
Do they look ridiculous when you’re wearing them? When you have a skinhead with no hair to hide them, yes! But it’s so worth it to be able to hear people and join in to conversations.
I’m going to try the definition ones next as they’re much more discrete.
But I’d 100% recommend these if you struggle to hear people in noisey environments.