Featuring Calmer Kids Blue
How others use Calmer® Kids

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Patented technology
Calmer® Kids is a life-changing product worn in the ear to gently reduce annoying noises. It doesn't block sound or make them feel isolated. Make spiky sounds smooth.
Calmer Kids is the only product that reduces the impact of harsh everyday noises and triggering sounds without reducing volume. This helps you stay calm and focussed and daily life becomes more comfortable and less stressful.
Noises such as these become much more manageable.
Busy places • Eating and chewing • Electric buzz/Smartphone sounds • Traffic • Cutlery • Ticking/Tapping • Children/Family noise
Calmer Kids is not an earplug and does not block or reduce volume.
Instead, Calmer Kids lets you hear everything but takes the edge off of stressful noises. The effects of this can be subtle at first.
We recommend wearing Calmer Kids in more stressful environments. Get used to them and then take them out after a longer period of time. You'll notice a bigger difference after this.
Protecting your ears from loud and potentially damaging noise is important. But if you suffer from sound sensitivities, earplugs are not the answer.
After extensive studies, many experts now believe that a reliance on earplugs could cause people with sound sensitivities to become MORE sensitive.
Wearing earplugs can leave you feeling isolated and worst of all is how your own voice sounds!
Calmer are hollow and won't block sound - it removes the harshness of stress inducing noises but lets you hear everything else around you.
Calmer uses a tiny waveguide to reflect sound more accurately into your ears. This bypasses the irregular bends of your inner ear that would otherwise cause chaotic sound reflections and therefore resonate in your ear canal.
This resonance causes a trigger response, leaving you feeling overwhelmed or stressed by noise.
Made from comfortable, flexible silicone which is reusable and easy to clean.
View the full Calmer range here.
Featuring Calmer Kids Blue
Discreetly reduce triggering frequencies in annoying noises
Perfect at home or in the classroom for minimum noise distraction
Feeling relaxed and less triggered will improve overall well-being
Much more comfortable than Loop, which not only blocked too much sound but also amplified my own breathing and such. Instead, here I just feel sounds never cross the threshold that triggers a fight-or-flight response.
I was already wearing Flare earplugs but I wanted to try the Extra ones.
They arrived this morning and I've been wearing them for 6+ hours.
They make a massive difference for me.
The world has lost its high pitched tinnie sound. I haven't had to turn the tv up to listen to it, yet the volume of the world has gone quieter.
Such a simple product yet Flare has changed my world. I wish I had these in school 40 odd years ago. I would have had a whole different experience.
Have purchased several pairs of the silicone calmer as having tried the new ‘calmer performance’ I find the older (soon to be discontinued) silicone calmer much more comfortable.
Calmer Kids reduces resonance (distortion) by using a tiny waveguide to reflect sound into our ear which bypasses the effect of the Concha. Tested by the ISVR: University of Southampton.
Soft-touch durable silicone.
Calmer Kids is made from a non-toxic material and does not contain latex.
Calmer® Kids is protected by multiple intellectual properties. Click here for more information.
We aim to despatch your products as quickly as possible and every effort is made to help the process run smoothly between you placing an order, our processing and handing over to a courier of your choice. See our Shipping and Delivery Times for more info.
For everything you need to know about using Calmer, see our Calmer instructions.
We understand how much tinnitus affects people, so we want to be very clear about what Calmer is designed to do.
Calmer was not designed to help with tinnitus.
Calmer purpose is to reduce distortion in the ears. In turn, this increases sound quality and lowers stress levels.
It came as a huge surprise to us that we started to receive feedback that our original Calmer was helping some users with their tinnitus.
Tinnitus is different for everyone, and we do not suggest buying Calmer solely for this purpose.
If you feel like Calmer is not meeting your needs, we have a 100-day money-back guarantee but we would hope that Calmer stress-reducing properties and sound quality improvement would be of benefit.